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Why You Need to Maintain Your Swimming Pool

Swimming is essential to your life. When you swim, you are carrying out physical exercises. Your body will, therefore, be fit. Swimming is also a form of leisure activity. You swim during your free time rather than engaging in unhealthy hobbies. You also swim during the hot season so that you cool your body. You can also swim to compete. There are many people who have made a career out of swimming. You should, therefore, consider having a swimming pool in your garden.

A swimming in your yard makes your home look beautiful. If you are looking for a perfect landscape design, ensure you construct swimming pool in your garden. You will attract many visitors to your house since many people love swimming. Your home value will also go up if you have a swimming pool.

When you have a swimming pool, you need to maintain it. Pool maintenance is essential so that your pool is in good shape. You can plaster your pool after some time of using. A good plaster is water tight and does not let water seep down to the ground. You should ensure you replace the plaster to upgrade the pool. You should also replace your swimming pool tiles if they start cracking and falling off the swimming pool.

It is also essential that your swimming pool water is treated as often as it is used. This is because different people get into the swimming pool, and if the water is not replaced people are likely to get infections. Swimming pools are normally treated with chlorine. You should also ensure that the pH of the water does not get above 8. If the pH is above 8, the chlorine you place in the water for treatment purposes will not be active. Your pool will not be treated in the end. The perfect pH level should be between 7.2 and 7.8. You also have to remember that the lesser the pH value, the lesser the chlorine you will need.

It is also essential for you to ensure that your swimming pool is cleaned by brushing the walls thoroughly. Failure to clean properly will lead growth of algae in your swimming pool. You pool water will start showing green instead of the initial blue color. Cleaning also ensures that calcification does not occur in your pool. It is not easy to clean tiles that are calcified. You will have to look for a professional swimming pool maintainer with the right equipment to remove the hardened calcium. This is way more expensive than ensuring you clean your pool on a daily basis.

The other pool maintenance tip you need to consider is the swimming pool water level. It is essential that you keep the water level at the center level of the pool skimmer for optimal performance. The water level should not be too high or too low. You have to remember that if the water level is too low, it can make your pool pump to dry up. A dry pump is likely to burn up and you will have to spend money to replace it. You also need to know that if the water level is higher than required, your pool skimmer door will not work efficiently.

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